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At Lanesfield we believe that everyone is unique and can succeed beyond expectation. We recognise that goals start as a dream reflecting our personal values and values are relatively permanent personal beliefs about what we regard as important or desirable and these values reflect our upbringing and change very little throughout our lifetimes without conscious effort.


Our Financial Values and Enterprise curriculum is intended to create the conscious effort to educate our children on the importance of financial planning, determination and create a clear understanding that  we can influence those around us, improve the lives of others as well as our own through our actions.


Our intent is for pupils to dream big, set goals and understand the key to success in achieving our goals is understanding our values, how they influence our decisions and having aspiration, resilience and creativity to make the dream a reality. 




At Lanesfield we have a bespoke finance and enterprise curriculum. This is additional to national curriculum. These cross curricula areas are built upon within weekly bespoke lessons as well as flow through all curriculum areas. This framework aims to support the planning, teaching, and progression of financial education and enterprise by setting out the key areas of financial knowledge, skills and attitudes, across four core themes:


  • how to manage money;

  • becoming a critical consumer;

  • managing risks and emotions associated with money;

  • understanding the important role money plays in our lives.


The Young enterprise curriculum delivers practical activities providing our young people with the opportunity to develop key skills and make the connection between school and the world of work. We enrich academic learning and empower young people to develop the understanding of why we visit local residential homes, have an annual charity that we support as a school, as well as take part in a wide range of charity fund raising events and host events such as Christmas and Summer Fairs. We ensure that our children understand how money can influence those around them and how they can help to improve the lives of others through their actions.


We feel that it is important to support the development of our learners with a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in the modern world. Our teachers ask learners to undertake positions of responsibility throughout the school, as we believe that children understand values by seeing them in action in others. These include ambassadors, prefects, school councillors, eco warriors, sports leaders, house captains, digital leaders and  peer mentors.




Children recognise and understand fully the world of finance, values and enterprise. They can recognise wants and needs. They recognise the importance of applying values to actions and financially planning for day-to-day life.


 We are proud to announce that Lanesfield is the only Primary School in the country to achieve the Finance and Enterprise mark as well as achieving the reaccreditations for this award.




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