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Dress-Up Days - As staff we expect all staff to join in.  

8.9.23 - World of Workday – Children and adults dress up to show what they want to be when they grow

13.11.23 - Diwali – Dress up in bright colours or traditional dress


17.11.23 - Children in Need – Dress up in spots


8.12.23 - Christmas Jumper Day - All wear Christmas jumpers and donate £1.00


22.12.23 - Christmas Parties – Can wear Christmas jumpers again


2.2.24 - NSPCC Number Day - dress up as a number or number themed costume


​​9.2.24 - Chinese New Year – Dress up in red to celebrate


9.2.24 - Dress up in red to celebrate - and donation for Air Ambulance charity


7.3.24 - World Book Day – A day where everyone dresses up as a book character


15.3.24 - Comic Relief – Dress up according to school council and donate


​8.4.24 - EID - Dress up in traditional dress or green/white to celebrate


15.4.24 - Vaisakhi - Wear orange or blue


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