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Subject Intent

Our PSHE curriculum has been designed to promote children’s personal, social, health and economic development. It aims to give children the knowledge and understanding that they need to stay healthy and keep themselves safe. It focuses on children’s health and wellbeing both mentally and physically, providing children with the knowledge and awareness to cope and succeed in the evolving world around us. Our ethos ensures that we meet the five strands of Every Child Matters which states that every child has the right to:

  • Be Healthy

  • Stay Safe

  • Enjoy and Achieve

  • Make a Positive Contribution

  • Achieve Economic Well-being


In covering these strands, we ensure that we provide children with the skills to develop worthwhile, positive relationships and to understand the importance of these relationships in relation to our wellbeing. In doing this we teach our children to respect and value differences to live in a cohesive society. We teach the importance of these positive relationships in the world of work. We help children to set achievable goals and provide them with the determination and lifelong skills to reach their aspirations.  


As a school, Information Technology is a key driver and is encompassed throughout our curriculum, therefore online safety is also paramount ensuring that children have the necessary skills to keep themselves safe online. 

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